Communitas is dedicated to affirming, protecting and promoting human rights of people with disabilities. 

Our commitment to human rights is evidenced in our core values; we see people as people, and provide a place where everyone belongs, anyone can achieve, and each person plays a meaningful role

Aside from general human rights enjoyed by everyone, people with developmental disabilities have some specifically protected rights. Among those rights are the right to humane and adequate care, to be free from discomfort, distress or deprivation, the right to appropriate communication, the right to self-determination and freedom of choice (including choice of services), the right to meaningful relationships that matter to them, a reasonable expectation of privacy, the right to be safe from free from arbitrary eviction or expulsion from their agency-managed home or day program, the right to be free from unreasonable restrictions, and the right to engage in activities that promote their meaningful participation in the communities of their choice. For more information about human rights of people with disabilities, please visit the DDS Office of Human Rights website.

The right to be free from abuse, neglect or mistreatment.

One of the most important rights is the right to be free from mistreatment. The standard for reporting suspected abuse and neglect is “reasonable cause to believe” which means that mandated reporters need only a “mere suspicion” that abuse, or neglect was committed against a person with a disability. All employees and volunteers of Communitas are mandated reporters.  To learn more about reportable abuse or neglect of adults with disabilities, including how to report, please visit the DPPC Website.

Massachusetts Abuse Reporting Numbers     

Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC) (24 hours / 7 days a week)  Ages 18 to 59  
1-800-426-9009 or 1-888-822-0350 TTY     

Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) (24 hours / 7 days a week) Ages 60 and over  

Department of Public Health (DPH)  All Ages residing in Long Term Care Facilities

Department of Children and Families (DCF) (24 hours / 7 days a week) Birth to age 17  

How to File a Report of Abuse or Neglect  

Communitas Human Rights System

You may contact Human Rights Coordinator, Kathy Custer at (781) 587-2208, with any questions or concerns about the Communitas Human Rights System, or any of the people supported by our agency.

While all employees receive training in human rights, each program site has an assigned Human Rights Officer with more specialized training. The Human Rights Officer works closely with people supported in their program, support staff and natural support systems to ensure that everyone understands human rights, and that people are encouraged and supported to advocate for human rights for themselves and others.

Human Rights Officers (updated 2/26/25)

Residential Services  
Albion StreetAbraham I.(781) 587-3131
Haven StreetOlanrewaju B.(781) 944-1486
Hopkins StreetTaofeek O.(781) 944-7317
Main StreetEhi O.(781) 665-2884
Newcomb AvenueMary H.(781) 231-7934
Pitman DriveO’Dale D.(781) 944-0302
Range Heights RoadAllyson K. (interim)(781) 587-2412
Rustic LaneMichael S.(781) 942-0484
Village StreetBrittney M. (interim)(781) 942-1283
Water StreetOluwafunke A.(781) 245-0440
Woodcrest DriveAdebayo O.(781) 246-1410
Individual Home SupportsKatie K. & Marina B.(781) 587-2200
Family Support Services  
Family Support & RecreationJudy S (interim)(781) 587-2314
Adult Family CareHeather D. (781) 587-2362
Day Services  
Beverly Life ChoicesKirsten W.(978) 279-2100
Woburn Life Choices & Career Srv.Kyle P. (781) 365-1350
Wakefield Life ChoicesJanine O.(781) 587-2548
Wakefield Career ServicesBrandon F.(781) 587-2570

Communitas Human Rights Committee

Our Human Rights Committee meets regularly to review our system for supporting human rights, to review any concerns, and to offer support and advice in their area of expertise. The Committee consists of professionals, family members, and people supported in Communitas programs.

Russell K – Committee Chair 
Daniel D – Attorney 
Sarah C – Registered Nurse 
Grace T – Special Education/Behavioral
Pina M – Wakefield Community Advocate
Kathleen A – Family Member 
Tim S – Haven Street 
Susan S. – Family Member
Ellen H. – Village Street